Xarodi Nikha Lyrics >> Sannidhya Bhuyan | Assamese Song

Xarodi Nikha  is Sung by Sannidhya Bhuyan. Lyrics is also written by Sannidhya Bhuyan  and music is also composed by Tonmoy Krypton.This video song is officially uploaded in Sannidhya Bhuyan  youtube channel . Xarodi Nikha song lyrics. Xarodi Nikha Sannidhya Bhuyan. Xarodi Nikha Lyrics in english. Xarodi Nikha Sannidhya Bhuyan. Xarodi Nikha Lyrics Assamese Song. 

Xarodi Nikha >> Sannidhya Bhuyan | Assamese Song
Xarodi Nikha >> Sannidhya Bhuyan | Assamese Song

Xarodi Nikha Song Credits :

Sannidhya Bhuyan
Tonmoy Krypton

Xarodi Nikha Lyrics 

Xarotore rati dubori niyore

Junore logote kotha pate

Snigdho xewalir omiya xubakhe

Xarodi mayabi rohon xane

Junakir dhemalite

Akoluwa mur mone

Atitor moromr xubakh xane

Utonuwa mur mone

Poranor geet rose

Xure xure hridoyor umole

Xorogi xopun bure jagi uthe

Akha vora geete aji pran pale

Xuwoni potharor dhanoni

Moromor mitha sawoni

Loralir a hei din bure

Aji o kore amoni

Nodire parore bononi

Botahore ati uruli

Hepahore hei pal bure

Jiyai thokar diye janoni

Junakir dhemalite

Akoluwa mur mone

Atitor moromr xubakh xane

Utonuwa mur mone

Poranor geet rose

Xure xure hridoyor umale

Xorogi xopun bure jagi uthe

Aakha vora geete aji pran pale

 This is the end of Xarodi Nikha Song lyrics. If you find any mistakes in the lyrics please let us know through contact us. I have loved lyrics. Don't forget to comment down the favourite Part/line of this song. Do share this lyrics to your close one. 

Here is also the video of the song for you uploaded by Sannidhya Bhuyan -

Xarodi Nikha Song Video

                       Lyrics: Sannidhya Bhuyan  Singer : Sannidhya Bhuyan Music : Tonmoy Krypton

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