Tumar Boga Dugalot Lyrics >> Montumoni Saikia | Assamese Song

Tumar Boga Dugalot  is Sung by Montumoni Saikia. Lyrics is written by Luit Neel and music is also composed by Palash Gogoi.This video song is officially uploaded in Montu Moni Saikia official  youtube channel . Tumar Boga Dugalot song lyrics. Tumar Boga Dugalot Montumoni Saikia. Tumar Boga Dugalot Lyrics in english. Tumar Boga Dugalot Montu Moni Saikia official. Tumar Boga Dugalot Lyrics Assamese Song. 

Tumar Boga Dugalot >> Montumoni Saikia | Assamese Song
Tumar Boga Dugalot >> Montumoni Saikia | Assamese Song

Tumar Boga Dugalot Song Credits :

Luit Neel
Montumoni Saikia
Palash Gogoi

Tumar Boga Dugalot Lyrics 

Tumar boga dugalot

Tumar boga dugalot

Ati dhuniya koi til

O moina valei lage

Take nu dekhi

Mur monor akaxhot

Tumi tora junaki

O moina moyu je hou

Tumatei bilin


Aiya joubonore utha noma

Morom ne oi kii

Juriya uthore kumol

Poroxh bisari

Nojonakoi mon nila nu karhi

Nojonakoi mon nila karhi

Junake andhare xopune dithoke

Thakiba mur kaxote xun jana roi

Monore dithokot morom oi fuliba

Meriyai thou tumar fule bukut loi

Kiyo hori nila du sokure

Kesa ghumoti

Osinaki holeu lage tumak sinaki

Nojonakoi mon nila nu karhi

Nojonakoi mon nila karhi

Bukure ogonit kiman dhaki rakhim

Okole okole tumar sobiti akim

Duti uthore milon

Hobo lage o morom

Ketiya koi nu aami

Duyo duyur hom

Mon uroniya jeni teni xhun

Uribo bisare jana du pakhi meli

Ki moromore mitha nu ragit

Soku te soku thole uthe koponi

Aiya joubonore utha noma

Morom ne oi ki

Juriya uthore kumol

Poroxh bisari

Nojonakoi mon nila nu karhi

Nojonakoi mon nila karhi

 This is the end of Tumar Boga Dugalot Song lyrics. If you find any mistakes in the lyrics please let us know through contact us. I have loved lyrics. Don't forget to comment down the favourite Part/line of this song. Do share this lyrics to your close one. 

Here is also the video of the song for you uploaded by Montu Moni Saikia official  -

Tumar Boga Dugalot Song Video

                       Lyrics: Luit Neel  Singer : Montumoni Saikia Music : Palash Gogoi

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